google new

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google newgoogle new
  1. They offered me a job as a site Reliability Engineer at Google New York .


  2. But the surge in broadband content could bring Google new revenue from web and TV advertising .


  3. Google 's new search interface is being tested among small groups of users .


  4. A python once got loose in Google 's New York offices


  5. Google 's new grants have generated both enthusiasm and criticism .


  6. But Larry Page , Google 's new CEO , took a different direction .


  7. Google 's new offering , which is still in trial form , boasts some handy features .


  8. So what are the deals that fall under the new mandate to stretch Google into new areas ?


  9. Could Google 's new self-driving car one day have to yield to an oncoming smart bicycle ?


  10. Answer by Elynn Lee , interned at Google in New York City Summer 2013 and 2014 ;


  11. Some observers also challenge Mr Drummond 's other assertion that Google 's new approach is perfectly legal .


  12. Where others accepted apparent speed limits imposed by search algorithms , Google wrote new algorithms that proved there were no limits .


  13. Fortune : it seems like Larry Page wants to use M & a more aggressively to push Google in new directions .


  14. At Google , new dads receive six weeks of paid leave while moms can take 18 weeks after the birth of a child .


  15. People had high expectations for Google 's new operating system but the end result doesn 't look like the revolutionary ," change the world " product many had hoped for .


  16. Critics also see a bigger problem with Google 's new policy . The plan would not give users a choice to " opt-out " of the data sharing .


  17. One happy advertiser using Google 's new ads is John James , chief executive of Acumen Brands , which owns retailer .


  18. Baidu , which declined to comment on Google 's new move , has already signed with some music publishers to provide users free licensed music .


  19. Google 's new Nexus 7 has a lot to offer , if you 're looking for a tiny tablet that packs a punch .


  20. The internet search group is to give most of its 20,100 employees around the world the G1 , the first handset to be powered by Google 's new mobile operating system , known as Android .


  21. As is so often the case , Google 's new effort directly competes with a product from archrival Apple , whose Apple TV has been doing something similar for years using a technology called AirPlay .


  22. Google 's new chief financial officer on Thursday promised to bring greater discipline to the company 's cost controls , as well as to its ballooning capital spending on its most ambitious " moonshot " projects .


  23. They are not so much Google x as new product areas within Google .


  24. Google says the new service is intended to address two issues for mobile searchers .


  25. In other areas , Google is launching new features that echo what other companies are doing .


  26. Google launched a new service today allowing companies to transform their websites for viewing on smartphones .


  27. Back in my own hometown , I visited the " School of One . " Like Google , this New York school is powered by an algorithm .


  28. Google is the new Microsoft : a US technology company pursued by the EU for allegedly being over-mighty and wielding power unfairly .


  29. According to research compiled by Somo , a mobile marketing agency , some of the world 's largest companies will be punished by Google under the new algorithm .


  30. At Google , their new roles dictate that the pair spend most of the time in labs , soldering irons in hand , engineering new products and product uses .
